The spell can be learned from Yuria, the Witch in exchange of a Maiden in Black Demon Soul.The level lost will always be the highest non-Vitality stat, and stats will never be reduced below the base amount for the player's class. Instead of instantly killing them and giving double souls, the affected player will lose a level, and the caster gains souls equal to how much that level cost. This spell functions differently when used against players.

Very powerful spell that can instantly kill any non-boss enemy but it has an extraordinary short range, the enemy would literally need to be in front of you for this spell to work.Unsurprisingly this spell has a long cast time, best used on enemies that haven't detected you and use the spell behind them.Great for farming souls as the user receives twice the amount of souls from a target.Sucks the soul out of whoever it touches.The Maiden in Black, who aids the demon slayers with her command of Soul power, was once one of the oldest, most dangerous demons herself. Sucks the soul out of whoever it touches. Spell from the Demon Maiden in Black's Soul. Magic Spells focus around offensive strategies that can both inflict damage and apply negative Status Effects as well as some self-buffs. Soulsucker sucks the soul out of whoever it touches. Published Demon's Souls' approach to spell casting is very. Soulsucker is a Magic Spell in Demon's Souls and Demon's Souls Remake. Demon's Souls - How to Get a Talisman and Start Casting Miracles Early and for Free By Anthony James Puleo Jr. Soulsucker Sucks the soul out of whoever it touches.